Here you will find the answers to the most frequently asked questions about Morenos and collaborations.
Community & Cooperation
What are the costs?
Zero. 0.0€
If you convince us, we will invest our resources in your idea. You will not receive a bill from us. Only a profit distribution.
Do I need a business?
No. At least not at the beginning.
All your sales are organized and carried out by Moreno's. You only need a business if you reach a certain sales threshold. We will inform you about this in advance and help you with the process.
How do I market my products?
There are many different ways.
- social media
- friends & acquaintances
- flyer
We are happy to advise you. Free of charge.
Can I suggest friends myself?
Yes! Feel free to contact us.
Moreno's platform
Why sell through Moreno's and not through Etsy and Co
We sell on Etsy ourselves. Etsy has high fees and you have to take care of everything yourself. There is also the effort involved in developing and supporting your products.
With us you come with your idea, we do the rest.
One more thing: On Etsy you have a very large market with many users, but you can quickly get lost there. Here you have a personal contact.
Why shouldn’t I find a POD* partner myself?
You should rather ask yourself:
Why don’t I already have my own shop with POD Partner on Etsy?
Too time-consuming? Too complex? Too technical? Too much risk? No business yet?
Well, there is nothing like that at Moreno's.
There are numerous providers, all different and with a certain focus. We choose the best, negotiate and ensure the best quality.
*POD print-on-demand
Why are there several Moreno's shops?
There are three shops:
- Moreno's Shop -> Moreno's own brand
- Community Shop -> Ideas from the community
- Cooperations Shop -> Cooperation partners from the community
In Moreno's Shop you can find our own products.
The Community Shop contains all products based on ideas from the community. Everyone has the opportunity to offer products there and earn money from them.
In the Cooperations Shop you can find all partners who have sold a certain number of products or already have enough reach.
What are the costs?
If you convince us, we will invest our resources in your idea. You will not receive a bill from us. Only a profit distribution.
What is production on demand?
Production on demand means that your product is only produced when you order it. This means a slightly longer wait for your product, but it helps the environment. No resources are wasted and we produce as close to the delivery address as possible to reduce shipping routes.